How about your day? missing to longtime not update my blog here. i active now on tumblr, i don't know.. i just think tumblr is easy way to share my daily update with picture for sure. You know this passed i week me and my Atasya had such wonderful time together on my house in New Jersey. In here i just found relax and lovely time to be together. Grid my picts!
1) waiting sunset together.. and you know there was so beaitiful.
2) White flowers for beautiful girl
3) Breakfast!! i cooked it for my girl. mm otherwise she also did it to me
4) snapshoot my girl in the mornin, she is my pretty one when i woke up
5) Let me love you, beautiful.
6) Noww, yesss i more looking so fat. so finally i'm really happy. photo by my Gfie.
7) Sunset, i saw beautiful sunset in backside of my house. really amazing
8) playing with Olive
9) Time to get relax, sea and sea so clearly beautiful day i spend with Atasya
New Jersey, thanks for always be beautiful. This why i choose NJ for my future house in the next. I want to live in there forever, with my wife someday and have lovely family, getting older with me there. Hope you have wonderful dayssss fellas! xx