Gentleman Prefer Blondes // Project // Photography by Kate Lee

Early February this year, i had good time about photoshoot with Kate Lee photography team. Such wonderful theme for the photoshoot starring by me and Carla Campbell. When me and Carla in set we must knew about who;s James dean and Marilyn Monroe, you know james and marilyn were so iconic and awesome icon between fashion and love. Kate Lee want me and carla to re-used it on last one set of the photoshoot. It's really hard if you have a serious job to must be a someone, and acting, do like what they did as look that person. But, me and carla want to give all the best of this project. here some picts by Kate Lee, she so talented. and Kate Lee is amazing international Pro Photographer, she had turned much prizes lastest year. I'm glad to can be worked out for Kate, thanks for having me kate, really nice to can be partner job for you. Its really fun Photoshoot set! xx

PS. i just acting like james dean here, actually james dean not my personality but its really hard and great to must know about James Dean Style.

And you can also check out this behind the scene of the photoshoot In Video, its great!