Don't Be down even you feel alone, wake up! // Project

Do you know Darkness angel? Do you ever feel hurting for some reason? and do you ever feel when somebody leave you alone? last do you feel weak if you being alone in the middle of the big big world like these? now? next? no one can know you with well, no one. I make a friend with the wind, space, just listen my heart though. yes, The theme of the project! its explain how feel if you being alone and no one compare you out there, its like die world. Friends, everyone on this world never want to be living alone even they want too, they will be feel so lonely, mad, wasted, life feel like no meaning. For me, Being independent is good for a good time too, mean just be like it if you really think its be need for some moment make you must be like that, but tell.. dont it make you feel alone? so guys, life is need to be together and share with people around you, people you love, you trust, people can know you with right, people can love you with no matter what happen, people can make you smiling and always be a good person in all time, people can make you more stronger even you have a big problem. Just really love people around of you if they really care with you, because they all the best thing ever you had in life. And dont Be down if some problem or people judge you, dont like you, and leave you alone.. Do you know? its the big world, its no time to be down, feel vain, or your life like 'skyscraper' song by Demi, The song was really beautiful and remember even or some many times you fall, get up, and rest assured that a better life in front of you will be strengthen you and everything that has happened atu even that will happen.